Asset and portfolio management
FinTechs belonging to this category offer asset and portfolio management services via an internet platform or software programs and usually manage and dispose of the assets of their customers long or short term according to their specifications without actually holding the property or the possession of those assets. FinTechs, which provide information about and access to overnight or time deposit accounts at national and foreign banks and which execute the transactions to these accounts, also belong to this category. Some FinTechs however only act on request of the customer.

Aside from that some FinTechs offer software or internet solutions enabling users to manage and plan their personal finances on their own by providing graphics, overviews and compilations of their financial data and sometimes indicating financial risks or opportunities, but without actually managing the assets.


Attitude of the country towards modern asset and portfolio management services

The social and political climate towards FinTechs in this line of businesses is positive and scaling. Nowadays, technology allows new businesses to prosper; thus, in the Dominican Republic new businesses are betting on innovative ways to obtain profits, like it is the case for FinTechs. The political and social climate is developing towards the digitization of processes, from banking to insurance, to e-commerce in general.

Legal affairs

Obligations and requirements to provide asset and portfolio management, or ancillary services described above

There is no specific regulation in the Dominican Republic regarding FinTechs offering asset and portfolio management services via an internet platform or software. Therefore, the legal framework applicable to such FinTechs or other companies that provide asset and portfolio management services should be analyzed taking into account if the services include publicly offered securities or the management, use or investment of funds collected from the public in the Dominican Republic. That being the case, said entities will require registration and authorization from the Superintendence for Securities Markets to act as a fund or as an intermediary. Other regulations may apply depending on the nature of the services.

FinTechs that provide such services on a cross-border basis or without involving securities publicly offered in the Dominican Republic, are not regulated locally. 

Additional comments regarding the legal situation for asset and portfolio management services or what FinTech’s must be aware of in this business area


Economic conditions

Market size for asset and portfolio management services and biggest companies in this business area

Information regarding revenues and customers for FinTechs in this class is not available.

Additional comments regarding the economic situation for asset and portfolio management services or what FinTech’s must be aware of in this business area



Michelle Abreu VargasOMG[email protected]06517
Manuel Troncoso HernándezOMG[email protected]06517
Aldana Fernández MartínezOMG[email protected]06517
Diego García MelendezOMG[email protected]06517
Alejandro LamaOMG[email protected]06517


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