Carlsmith Ball LLP
Home Country
United States
Carlsmith Ball LLP was established in 1857 in Hilo, Hawaii and currently has 100 attorneys in eight offices located throughout Hawaii, and in Guam and Los Angeles.

The firm assists businesses in solving problems or concerns that arise in the course of business operations. The attorneys concentrate exclusively in business law and have extensive experience with the industries in the Pacific Region. Its clientele includes businesses from the construction, health care, retail, real estate, transportation, maritime, media, agricultural, education, tourism, entertainment, and finance industries, amongst others. Its understanding of the Pacific Region, including extensive foreign language capabilities, allows the firm to provide a distinct combination of technical skills and practical experience to serve its clients legal and business needs.

With more than 140 years of successful practice, the firm’s attorneys have long-established working relationships with the regulators in its jurisdictions, making it knowledgeable of the internal, informal administrative practices of government agencies, and the political forces that affect their decision making outcomes. This means more cost-effective representation for its clients.
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