Managing Principal Lawyer (NSW)
Jeffrey Siddle
About Me
Jeffrey was one of the first to join Macpherson Kelley in Sydney. His many years’ experience advising clients on a wide range of insolvency issues and commercial disputes has seen him achieve excellent results and develop long term relationships. He is experienced in acting for liquidators, receivers and managers, administrators and creditors (secured and unsecured) in insolvency and restructuring matters.

Jeffrey also regularly represents clients across a broad spectrum of industries in complex disputes in the Supreme Court of NSW and the Federal Court of Australia, including in relation to shareholder disputes, breach of directors’ duties and contractual disputes.

“Most companies will have a dispute at some stage and sometimes litigation is unavoidable. A good strategic litigator is able to work with clients to achieve a positive outcome similar to any other positive commercial outcome.”

Jeffrey values good client service and keeps his clients informed every step of the way. He believes the key to maintaining good client relationships when resolving disputes is genuine, impartial advice. He says informing his clients on where their exposures are ensures the best commercial outcome.
Link To Corporate Profile
Bachelor of Laws, Macquarie University
Bachelor of Media, Macquarie University
Professional Associations
Member, Law Society of New South Wales
Member, Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association (ARITA)
Published Articles
Contributor (Australia), Directors in the Twilight Zone IV, 2013, Insol International
Languages Spoken

Practice Areas

Commercial Contracts
Insolvency & Restructuring
Litigation, Arbitration & Dispute Resolution

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Multilaw Contact Partner
Macpherson Kelley
Office Address:
Level 21
20 Bond Street
Sydney, NSW 2000
+61 2 8298 9565
+61 2 8298 9599
Work phone:
+61 2 8298 9565
Mobile Number:

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